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Unread 20-02-2013, 04:40
kishateko kishateko is offline

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Africa (with David Attenborough) blu-ray label

Africa (with David Attenborough) as requested

As the retail is 2 disc, there is also a 2 disc version: it is the first 2 discs of the 3 disc version (D1 has episode 1-3, D2 has episode 4-6)
Africa (with David Attenborough) blu-ray label

  Download the high-resolution files here:
David Attenborough's Africa Blu-ray.rar (3.93 MB,  downloaders )
David Attenborough's Africa 2disc version.rar (2.64 MB,  downloaders )

Last edited by kishateko; 22-02-2013 at 14:21.