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Unread 19-01-2013, 18:41
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168 - Monterey Pop dvd cover

From a raw scan by BostonT

On a beautiful June weekend in 1967, at the height of the Summer of Love, the first and only Monterey International Pop Festival roared forward, capturing a decade’s spirit and ushering in a new era of rock and roll. Monterey would launch the careers of Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Otis Redding, but they were just a few among a wildly diverse cast that included Simon and Garfunkel, the Mamas and the Papas, the Who, the Byrds, Hugh Masekela, and the extraordinary Ravi Shankar. With his characteristic vérité style, D. A. Pennebaker captured it all, immortalizing moments that have become legend: Pete Townshend destroying his guitar, Jimi Hendrix burning his. The Criterion Collection is proud to present this timeless document of a landmark event.

[Note: I had to mess with this cover a fair bit to fit it to a standard template. The marks on the cover are on the original.]
168 - Monterey Pop dvd cover

  Download the high-resolution files here:
Monterey Pop BD.rar (5.88 MB,  downloaders )