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Unread 05-10-2012, 19:56
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Fejinwales Fejinwales is offline
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Star Wars Collection dvd cover

Decided to replace my old cover downloaded a long time ago from Generetics...I made three in the end as I liked the artwork.

"Characters" based on a tmscrapbook cover and is a colourful cover with lots of character and action.
" 5 Jedi" is a simpler, cleaner and darker cover with five Jedi Knights on the front
"Famous" Has the three Jedi Knights who span all films (in one age or another) - this was my favourite once finished.

I hope you like one of them

Made for the 6-way case 3370 x 2175 but can be simply altered.
Star Wars Collection dvd cover

  Download the high-resolution files here:
Star Wars Collection Characters.rar (3.42 MB,  downloaders )
Star Wars Collection 5 Jedi.rar (2.72 MB,  downloaders )
Star Wars Collection Famous Jedi.rar (2.65 MB,  downloaders )
“For me, it is far better to grasp the world as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying or reassuring.”

Last edited by Fejinwales; 05-10-2012 at 20:03.