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Unread 23-09-2012, 19:09
garthfrank12 garthfrank12 is offline

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My Neighbors the Yamadas blu-ray cover

Inspired by Criterion's Blu-ray template, here's part of 'The Studio Ghibli Collection' dedicated to all the features (and some of the shorts) released by the acclaimed Japanese animation studio.

Two versions of the cover have been created - the standard 11mm Region A Blu-ray case, and the extra tall and clear 15mm 'Scanavo - Criterion' case which is used by the Criterion Collection for all its Blu-ray releases. Empty cases of this type can be bought online.
My Neighbors the Yamadas blu-ray cover

  Download the high-resolution files here:
myneighborstheyamadas - standard.rar (2.89 MB,  downloaders )
myneighborstheyamadas - criterion.rar (3.08 MB,  downloaders )

Last edited by garthfrank12; 26-10-2013 at 15:38.