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Unread 26-07-2012, 01:37
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jmaraujo jmaraujo is offline

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The Big Bang Theory - Season 5 dvd cover

The Big Bang Theory - Season 5. Based on the original cover.

A big thanks to HvB for the cover artwork. ;)
The Big Bang Theory - Season 5 dvd cover

  Download the high-resolution files here:
Big-Bang-Theory_S5.rar (5.09 MB,  downloaders )
♫ But now the damage's done and we're back out on the run ♫
♫ Funny how ev'rything was roses when we held on to the guns ♫
♫ Just because you're winnin' don't mean you're the lucky ones ♫

> My covers Please, do not upload my covers to other sites! Thank you.