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Unread 17-11-2011, 16:20
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janusdesign janusdesign is offline

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DCI Banks - The Complete Pilot & First Series dvd label

here are the labels to match the cover I have uploaded -

as with the covers, there are the standard version (as used with Kampar's previous Midsomer labels), and a colour version for those who prefer the colour images... these labels are marked "Disc 1", "Disc 2" etc...

because I have so much hi-res artwork for this series, I have also created additional labels that contain just the episode title - the previews will only show the colour versions, but tinted versions are also available in the filenames that don't include 'colour' in them.

thanks to Kampar for the use of his template.
DCI Banks - The Complete Pilot & First Series dvd label

  Download the high-resolution files here:
dci banks labels - s1.rar (3.86 MB,  downloaders )
dci banks labels - s1 colour.rar (4.43 MB,  downloaders )
Please do not upload any of my covers or labels to any other site - Janusdesign

Last edited by janusdesign; 18-06-2013 at 21:25.