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Unread 29-01-2011, 18:09
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janusdesign janusdesign is offline

Join Date: Jul 2007
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Agatha Christie's Marple (2004) dvd label

A set of labels for all series of Marple to match the cover set -

thanks goes to Kampar for the use of his template.
Agatha Christie's Marple (2004) dvd label
Agatha Christie's Marple (2004) dvd label

  Download the high-resolution files here:
marple labels s1.rar (3.19 MB,  downloaders )
marple labels s2.rar (2.95 MB,  downloaders )
marple labels s3.rar (3.69 MB,  downloaders )
marple labels s4.rar (7.32 MB,  downloaders )
marple labels s5.rar (4.09 MB,  downloaders )
marple labels s1 colour.rar (3.50 MB,  downloaders )
marple labels s2 colour.rar (3.45 MB,  downloaders )
marple labels s3 colour.rar (3.57 MB,  downloaders )
marple labels s4 colour.rar (7.28 MB,  downloaders )
marple labels s5 colour.rar (4.13 MB,  downloaders )
marple labels s6.rar (3.23 MB,  downloaders )
marple labels s6 colour.rar (4.34 MB,  downloaders )
Please do not upload any of my covers or labels to any other site - Janusdesign

Last edited by janusdesign; 17-06-2014 at 18:51.