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Unread 19-10-2010, 08:37
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JackDaRippa JackDaRippa is offline
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Harry Potter Collection dvd cover

A spanning spine conversion of my 7 custom covers for the film. This set was inspired by the 1st 4 blue movie covers utilized on the bluray releases. Each front cover image was scratch created to incorporate poster art in the foreground (each including Harry, Ron & Hermione) and the title (utilizing high-quality title treatment) in the background near the top of the front cover.

Alternative versions available for the first film, depending on which title you prefer: "Sorcerer's Stone" or "Philosopher's Stone."

Parts 1 and 2 for The "Deathly Hallows" are incorporated into the 7th and final case.
Harry Potter Collection dvd cover

  Download the high-resolution files here:
hp1_sorcstone_spanning_jackdarippa.rar (8.16 MB,  downloaders )
hp1_philstone_spanning_jackdarippa.rar (8.16 MB,  downloaders )
hp2_spanning_jackdarippa.rar (8.31 MB,  downloaders )
hp3_spanning_jackdarippa.rar (8.88 MB,  downloaders )
hp4_spanning_jackdarippa.rar (9.16 MB,  downloaders )
hp5_spanning_jackdarippa.rar (8.54 MB,  downloaders )
hp6_spanning_jackdarippa.rar (8.21 MB,  downloaders )
hp7_spanning_jackdarippa.rar (8.01 MB,  downloaders )

Last edited by JackDaRippa; 07-11-2010 at 06:27. Reason: Incorporated new front artwork/title treatment to cover set