Thread: Tron Legacy
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Unread 10-09-2010, 21:06
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Fejinwales Fejinwales is offline
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Tron Legacy dvd cover

My first cover was this one - called "Tron Legacy Bike", it is different enough to the others here to be allowed on the site but I really liked the image of the two bikes in a duel, so I also made one called "Tron Legacy Duel" (which is the one with both bikers on the cover). But as i do not want to put a cover up here that is similar to others I have done something else.

In case you would like the 'Duel' Cover I have put just the front image into the rar file along with the cover of the single rider so you can change it if you like. The reverse is the same in any case for both versions.
Tron Legacy dvd cover

  Download the high-resolution files here:
Tron Legacy (Bike).rar (4.35 MB,  downloaders )
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