Thread: Shane
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Unread 18-04-2010, 13:24
myback12000 myback12000 is offline

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Shane dvd label

Custom label for "Shane (1953)".

Acclaimed director George Stevens' legendary rendition of the quintessential Western myth earned six Academy Award nominations, and made Shane one of the classics of the American cinema. The story brings Alan Ladd, a drifter and retired gunfighter, to the assistance of a homestead family terrorized by a wealthy cattleman and his hired gun (Jack Palance). In fighting the last decisive battle, Shane sees the end of his own way of life. Mysterious, moody and atmospheric, the film is enhanced by the intense performances of its splendid cast.

Shane dvd label

  Download the high-resolution files here:
shane_r1_label.rar (1.73 MB,  downloaders )