Band Of Brothers blu-ray cover
I just bought this series on Blu-Ray to replace my DVD set, I liked chunk71's custom DVD cover but I wanted the cutting of the soldiers to me a lot more accurate without the feathering and I wanted a more orange sky so I decided to make myself a new cover for my Blu-Ray versions. I didn't want to have the blue stripe or case, just a normal case with a blu-ray logo instead of the DVD logo, and with updated special features etc.
I made this case for myself in 3395 x 2175, but as the slimmer cases are becoming more popular I made a slimmer version to fit the 3370 x 2175 (300 spine) case to share as well, you can choose which one you like.
Download the high-resolution files here:
“For me, it is far better to grasp the world as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying or reassuring.”
Last edited by Kampar; 31-03-2010 at 00:44.