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Unread 21-10-2009, 08:24
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Terminator - Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 2 dvd label

Labels for Terminator - Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 2 from raw scans by filmfan9...

These were originally silver discs so I had to cut out the images and replace all of the text and logos...
Terminator - Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 2 dvd label

  Download the high-resolution files here:
Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles S2 R1 D1 (filmfan9).rar (570.6 KB,  downloaders )
Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles S2 R1 D2 (filmfan9).rar (505.6 KB,  downloaders )
Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles S2 R1 D3 (filmfan9).rar (439.2 KB,  downloaders )
Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles S2 R1 D4 (filmfan9).rar (629.4 KB,  downloaders )
Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles S2 R1 D5 (filmfan9).rar (447.8 KB,  downloaders )
Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles S2 R1 D6 (filmfan9).rar (722.3 KB,  downloaders )