Thread: Synopsis Thread
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Unread 26-09-2009, 16:28
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Synopsis Thread

The idea of this thread is to add Synopsis for other to use, we have a large number of global members, whose first language is not English.

Often the brilliant covers they submit can be let down by poor synopsis they have copied from the internet, because they do not have a full grasp of spelling, or it might be grammatically incorrect.

well this thread is designed to help them.

to add a synopsis Simply post a reply - but this is important! You MUST use the GO ADVANCED tab at the bottom.
This will allow you to add a title to your post (the name of the film)

Please make sure that your synopsis is spell-checked before adding it, you can use the spell-check function in CS, or Word if you have it.

At the top of this thread on the right (just above my avatar) you should see a box that says "Search This Thread"
Hit the text or the down arrow on the side and a search box will appear. Simply type in the name of the film you are looking for.

Please do not clog up this thread with requests. If you want to make a request please use the request forums:
Forum Requests - DVD Covers & Labels by Customaniacs

Last edited by MrHenryDog; 27-09-2009 at 20:51.