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Unread 12-09-2009, 14:11
HelloShaun HelloShaun is offline
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The Shakespeare Collection dvd label

In 1978, the BBC set itself the task of filming all of William Shakespeare's plays for television. The resulting productions, are renowned for their loyalty to the text, utilised the best theatrical and television directors and brought great performances from leading contemporary actors.

This disc set is a reproduction of the originals and uses the cover artwork, which is not the best being 30 odd years old.

There are a total of 37 discs plus a disc 2 for Richard III.

I've packaged 3 discs into each rar.

As I get time I'll produce a cover set for 4 x 10 way cases to house these.

Hope someone appreciates these.
The Shakespeare Collection dvd label

  Download the high-resolution files here:
Shakes d1,2,3.rar (752.1 KB,  downloaders )
Shakes D4,5,6.rar (667.8 KB,  downloaders )
Shakes D7,8,9.rar (688.7 KB,  downloaders )
Shakes D10,11,12.rar (711.7 KB,  downloaders )
Shakes D13,14,15.rar (774.0 KB,  downloaders )

Last edited by HelloShaun; 12-09-2009 at 14:20.