MyTop40 Fonts
Here's a list of what I have. I know a few are commercial already but
im not going to waste time searching the rest. Im pretty sure they are commercial as well.
PM me for the ones you would like and leave email address.
Total size for all is 16 MB so not too many at once.
466 total for all families.
PM ME for requests
Helvetica over 100 variations
Futura 20 variations
01. Adobe-Garamond
02. Avenir
03. Bank-Gothic
04. Boycott
05. Carpenter
06. Cezanne-Regular
07. Chato-Band
08. Engravers-Gothic
09. Eurostile
10. Frutiger
11. Futura
12. Gill-Sans
13. Grilled-Cheese-Btn
14. Helvetica
15. Interstate
16. Itc-Avant-Garde-Gothic
17. Itc-Franklin-Gothic
18. Lamar-Pen
19. Lassigue-Dmato
20. Machia
21. Mrs-Eaves
22. Myriad
23. Nat-Vignette
24. Neue-Helvetica
25. Optima
26. P22-Corinthia
27. P22-Zaner.Jpg
28. Passions-Conflict
29. Satisfaction
30. Shelley-Script
31. Sloop
32. Swan-Song
33. Swiss-721
34. The-Nauti-Gal
35. Trade-Gothic
36. Trajan
37. Univers
38. Water-Brush
39. Yevida
40. Zapfino
Last edited by bishftl; 24-02-2011 at 01:16.