Thread: 057 - Charade
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Unread 06-11-2008, 10:13
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057 - Charade dvd label

A trio of crooks relentlessly pursue a young American (Audrey Hepburn) through Paris to recover the fortune her dead husband stole from them. The only person she can trust is a suave, mysterious stranger (Cary Grant). A deliciously dark comedic thriller, Stanley Donen’s Charade dazzles with style and macabre wit to spare. Unavailable for nearly three years, The Criterion Collection is proud to re-release this 1960s spy classic in a gorgeous new anamorphic transfer.
057 - Charade dvd label

  Download the high-resolution files here:
057 Charade Criterion Label.rar (1.27 MB,  downloaders )