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Unread 12-10-2008, 12:50
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Trixerbell Trixerbell is offline

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ok group 2 -
9 - i dont get the red , i like the film and it doesnt give me a red vibe, cutting round shaun front head if way weirdly done to.
10 - havent seen the film but this cover would msake me pick upthe box to look at it love the synopsis
11- not keen on this - hought this would be a obvious choice of film and easy to sex up so expected more covers , the synopsis doesnt fit well and the tag line on the back could be more central, front and back are using the same image, and some of the art just doesnt look polished enough
12 - sean looks like gary glitter on the front ?? hate the label.
13- has the right gun for untouchables! and a nice sepia tone nice touch of the lens flare for alterating poster work.
14- nice clean crisp work
15 - i respect the artist for trying this film as they should get marks for choosing such and old one but i think in sa competition it was perhaps the wrong choice to enter with as i think reguardless of how well its done its not a popular film choice.
16 - amazing version forthe film theres one custom on site forthis and this kicks arse on that . great work and a very interesting label - when i tried this film i used the same approach for label
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