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Unread 21-09-2008, 22:44
HelloShaun HelloShaun is offline
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BATTLE 2 The First Round

Time for ROUND 1 to begin. Here are the rules:

1. The theme for this round will be SERIAL KILLERS. So any movie that has or is about Serial Killers as it's main storyline.

2. There CAN be a custom already on the site for the movie you want to do but THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE ON SITE FOR IT!

3. The cover must be new and not one that the artist has already done here or anywhere else before.

The covers must be with us by 6pm Sunday 28th Sept.

All entries must be submitted to in 1 rar file and must contain 1 standard cover, 1 thin cover, and 1 label. The thin is just a conversion of the standard cover.

See the main Arena announcement for general contest rules.

All covers must abide to standard site rules for size, quality and so on.

Good Luck to all combatants,

Last edited by HelloShaun; 29-09-2008 at 19:12.