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Unread 06-09-2008, 00:12
Darksaber Darksaber is online now

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Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles dvd label

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Season's One & Two to match Chunk's Covers here:

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - TV Collection


Season Two I've included Blanks version or a version with the episodes

The episodes on the discs are as such 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 3 - 3

If or when the retail version are released ad have a different episode order, Please PM me and I'll upload a different version order.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles dvd label

  Download the high-resolution files here:
Sarah Connor Season One.rar (5.16 MB,  downloaders )
Sarah Connor Season 2 Blank Discs 4 - 6.rar (5.54 MB,  downloaders )
Sarah Connor Season 2 Discs 1 - 3.rar (5.56 MB,  downloaders )
Sarah Connor Season 2 Discs 4 - 6.rar (5.55 MB,  downloaders )
Sarah Connor Season One Blank.rar (5.13 MB,  downloaders )
Sarah Connor Season 2 Blank - Discs 1 - 3.rar (5.54 MB,  downloaders )

Last edited by Darksaber; 25-12-2010 at 09:44.