Thread: 135 - Rebecca
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Unread 13-08-2008, 14:51
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135 - Rebecca dvd cover

The Criterion Collection 135

Rebecca is presented in its original theatrical aspect ratio of 1.33:1. The picture was restored and preserved from the original 35mm nitrate camera negative, a 35mm nitrate fine-grain master, and a 35mm original nitrate print. A newly printed 35mm fine-grain master was used for the digital film-to-tape transfer. Inherent film artifacts were corrected in video with the MTI Digital Restoration System.

The soundtrack for Rebecca was restored and preserved from the original 35mm nitrate optical soundtrack negative, a 35mm acetate dupe negative, and a 35mm magnetic music and effects master. New 35mm magnetic analog masters and DA-88 digital masters were created utilizing Sonic Solutions noise reduction software.

Laboratory services: Felipe Herba, Richard Dayton, Eric Aijala/YCM Laboratories, Burbank. Sound services: John Polito/Audio Mechanics, Burbank; Peter Oreckinto/DJ Audio, Studio City. Telecine colorist: Adam Adams/Four Media Company, Burbank. DRS: Fotokem, Burbank. Editorial: Mike Riola/Fotokem, Burbank; Tony Malanowski. Traffic coordinator: Ed Hobelman
135 - Rebecca dvd cover

  Download the high-resolution files here:
135 Rebecca.rar (5.42 MB,  downloaders )

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