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Unread 31-07-2008, 17:40
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papperone papperone is offline
The "Italian" Job

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Gone in 60 Seconds

STANDARD COVER & LABEL are in relative sections...

Here's what happened with this cover. I had to leave for vacation and I had almost no time to complete the cover, so instead to exit from CM arena I decided to send it "as-it-was" that is to say with a different car from the movie since I didn't have time to find a proper one to finish the cover. Now that I'm back I replace the car, but I decide to release both version of the cover... Hope you like them ;)
Gone in 60 Seconds
Gone in 60 Seconds

  Download the high-resolution files here:
Gone in 60 Seconds - THINPACK.rar (4.31 MB,  downloaders )
Gone in 60 Seconds (V2) - THINPACK.rar (4.31 MB,  downloaders )