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Unread 01-05-2008, 16:28
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00Daddio 00Daddio is offline

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Round 3 Cover Subject

Well lets step into round 3. I think this round will be a magical round for all involved. Speaking of wich, ALL CONTESTANTS ELIMINATED FOR ROUND 2 (except for #22) CAN STILL SUBMIT FOR THIS ROUND. It is after all the best of 3 rounds.

OK onto the cover subject, as in all rounds 1 standard cover, 1 thinpak cover and 1 label. Our subject this round will have a magic theme so, any movie that is based around magic or magical creatures (witches, wizards, trolls, lepracauns, etc..). Remember there may not already be a custom cover on the site for your choice and all other rules for the Arena still apply.

Your entries must be turned in no later than 6pm GMT Wednesday May 14th