Doctor Strange blu-ray cover

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Old 31-01-2017, 05:27
Kaleigha's Avatar

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Doctor Strange blu-ray cover

This is a cover for Doctor Strange. There are two different backgrounds, each with two sizes. Version one is the animated background, version two is a metal background. Both come in the 3173 x 1762 12mm spine and the 3212 x 1762 14mm spine sizes.

There is a standard sized version with no pagecurl and a 3D version, as well.

The rest of the color collection is available HERE
Black and white version HERE
Matching labels HERE
Doctor Strange blu-ray cover
Doctor Strange blu-ray cover
Doctor Strange blu-ray cover

  Download the high-resolution files here:
Doctor Strange BD.rar (6.61 MB,  downloaders )
Doctor Strange BD metal.rar (6.77 MB,  downloaders )
Doctor Strange 14mm BD.rar (6.65 MB,  downloaders )
Doctor Strange 14mm BD metal.rar (6.82 MB,  downloaders )
Doctor Strange BD no pagecurl.rar (6.60 MB,  downloaders )
Doctor Strange 3D.rar (6.61 MB,  downloaders )

Last edited by Kaleigha; 02-02-2017 at 19:42.
Old 31-01-2017, 06:03

Posts: n/a
wowwowowowo amzing as always thank you so much
Old 31-01-2017, 23:39

Posts: n/a
AMAZING As Always!!
Old 19-05-2017, 21:12

Posts: n/a
awesome as always thanks

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